Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Days...

And the livin' is easy!

Don't you just love summer?
When else can you sit outside...just to sit?
When else can you bring out the plates and plastic cups and eat a meal?
When else do you have the chance to get to know your neighbours?
When else do you get to have a tan without having to pay $99.95 for 100 minutes?

I have to say summer is now my favorite time!
Granted I have had a few days this past week where I couldn't so much as look at the sun never mind being outside but we always have to take the good with the bad!

Grace has been struggling at night time for about 3 weeks now. Last week it got the better of me and I could barely sleep and I ended up having a melt down on Friday. I got some sleep on the weekend and now all is good!
And...Grace finally slept all night last night! Thank God!!!

Yesterday we went to the Eau Claire YMCA. We had so much fun and we are hoping to go once a week!

Grace and I along with Grama and Bumpa played in the pool. Did you know there is such a thing as a pool where the bottom raises for the "short" people? That was a first for me!
Mark went for a workout and had a good time too...However he came home injured.

We spent the day so far at the doctor's office, the x-ray office, the pharmacy and it's only noon!
We thought it was a fracture but the doctor is pretty sure we are only looking a at bad sprain. Let's hope!

Go out and enjoy the summer...while you still can!

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