Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

Wow.. Time was catching up with me on Thursday and Friday. I was really feeling tired and dizzy. My short term was not working too well and I had lots of pain in my feet and legs as well as my left thumb.

Today I started a new regime of my Elaps homeopathy remedy. Twice daily for 1 week.
This should be interesting!
I say this because this remedy is well special...I have yet to write anything like this...personal but here goes!
This remedy gives me the runs!
Sunil explained to me that he was trying out the remedy these past two times and having all kinds of symptoms come to surface was a good thing and a sign that it was time to go more aggressive.

I am also counting down the days to my Vancouver trip!!!!!!
I am very excited and nervous!

And I promised to keep you posted on the fundraising...
To date the total in the bank account is $7,105.00.
This does not yet include my out of pocket costs for the event and soon I will be taking money out to have the imaging done!
Thank you once again and I appreciate it all.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great! I send you all the positive vibes I have on your journey this week!
    HUGS my cousin!
