Sunday, August 9, 2009

Comfort and relaxing

Today my question for you is to think about what comforts you. What helps you relax?
Is it curling up on the couch to watch a movie? Is it taking a nice bath? or a hot shower? Maybe it's taking a nap or going for a walk?

This is one of the few things I struggle with as a patient.

I love nothing more then waking up in the morning and having a nice long hot shower.
Imagine one morning you can enjoy something so easy and the next day a cold shower feel like scalding hot water. For me the hotter the water (and I mean lukewarm) the worst I feel. A shower now makes me feel like a wilted flower. No energy. My feet and legs get all tingly and I get dizzy.

I' ve also always loved my sleep. I no longer enjoy that either.
One of the most common symptom of MS is numbness in the legs, arms, hands and feet. I have it in my feet and legs.
My legs and feet are numb when I climb into bed and then they get restless. Restless leads to uncomfortable which then leads to the flopping fish! No rest and no sleep.

A restless night also leads to pain in my legs and feet which isn't fun getting up to! Typically a hot shower makes stiff muscles feel better...Can you see the catch 22?

Rest and sleep is the most important thing a patient. The fatigue attached to MS is very difficult to explain. It's kinda like you are awake but sleeping. Or maybe a picture on a wall. You are there, you hear but can't even respond because it takes too much effort. A very strange feeling!

Add a teething baby who likes to be up from midnight to 3 am and you get a very run down mother!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Nat !!!

    Teething babies are a handfull at the best of times. I can't immagine adding MS into the mix.

    You've got a lot of people who care about you. Don't forget to ask for help when you need it.
