Monday, August 24, 2009

MS Fatigue

What is MS Fatigue?
Well I think it probably is very different for every patient. For me personally it's like being stuck under a load of wet cement... I think! I mean..when is the last time that happened!

I had a great weekend with Mark and Grace! We were a very busy little family running errands, seeing Fireworks, going to visit people, stopping at the park and "just keep driving" because Grace finally fell a sleep!

When Sunday rolled around we woke up had breakfast and WHAM! Fatigue hit. I can barely function. I hate it. Noise aggravates me, lights, moving...just everything. I get very cranky and I don't even realise why until I realise I'm tired. I laid down for a nap and think I slept but I can't really be sure. I never bothered to look at the clock!
When I finally talked myself into getting up I had the worst pains in my head and they are always there when I am tired. I broke down and had my first Alertec pill. They are supposed to give be a bit of energy...I never seen it!

As for the headache well it was like someone was pushing my eyeballs into my head, someone pushing in the soft spot below my skull in the back of my head and like I was carrying a very heavy load of bricks on my shoulders...Fun stuff.

The odd thing about feeling this way is the whole "get as much natural sunlight and vitamin D as possible". We went outside and I started feeling better. It took a few hours but I got better and then was able to go to the Fireworks night 2. Mexico was way better then Canada!

If you are in Calgary, you should come see then with us! There are still 3 night left!

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