Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well this morning was a first for me.

I've heard that there is some pain in MS. I've even had a few morning where I hurt a little. But this morning... WOW.
I woke up and kept thinking I was dreaming. I was in so much pain that it had to be a dream. I think it took me about 15 minutes to be able to move a little bit and then a bit longer to tell answer Mark when he said "Do you want something for the pain?".

My fingers hurt along with everything else. I'm still trying to figure out how to explain it.

Let me think about it some and I'll fill you in!
On the positive side, I slept right thought the night!

Other then waking up, today I have lots of energy and so far have had a busy morning playing with Grace and cleaning!
Short but to the point this morning!

1 comment:

  1. Nat,
    Sorry about your diagnosis but keep your chin up. There are a lot of options out there now and more research every day. And thanks for posting a link to my website.
