Monday, August 31, 2009

Worst day yet

Yesterday was a very bad MS day in my books. Let me tell you about it.

I woke up from a solid nights sleep and thinking, this should be a good day. Nice uninterrupted sleep. Ah....Then I crawled out of bed...Oh no.. this might not be good...

I was dizzy most of the day. When I'm dizzy it's not like the room is spinning, it's more like I was just shaken and I'm trying to steady myself. We had a brunch date at 11:30 so Mark took care of Grace while I made her lunch, bottles, got showered blah blah blah...By the time Mark went to shower I was wiped. I typically have a sit down and start feeling better. And I was looking forward to the car ride because of the AC. Little did I know this would end up being my life saver later!

At our brunch, it was busy, lots of people talking and visiting. I always have a wondering eye too, even with family when it comes to Grace. This takes energy! She has energy! It was warm in the house and outside was warming up very quickly as well.

After I ate I was really feeling drained. I sat down for a rest but I was just not getting better. I finally grabbed Grace, sat down to change her diaper and told Mark that it was time to go. Poor Mark. You see he was talking with his mom and I trying to make plans for today. I could only focus on one thing at a time and I looked at him and said "Honestly Mark, I don't give a S*** about that right now. I can't think straight." I'm sorry hun. Then I started to cry. I was hot and flustered. I felt bad and embarrassed. Grace was squirming. People were all over and wanting my attention. I broke down and think I had a panic attack.

Once in the car, Mark pumped the AC as high as it would go and we left. It took me a good 30 minutes to calm down. Wow.. didn't like that at all.

To make matters worst, later I sat Grace on the potty and I just couldn't cope again. I called for Mark but he didn't hear me that time. Again with the tears and hyper ventilating. For those of you who know me...I don't tend to cry so I wasn't liking the crying on top of being a mess. Grace snuggled me and tried to make me feel better. I love her! Again, it took a good 30 minutes to get steady again.

I never want a day like that again.

Now I'm getting ready to go to the hospital for my eye checkup..I'll write tomorrow!

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