Thursday, February 25, 2010


Well I had a visit with the banker today...
WOW... do I make this easy, hard or a bit of both..

Here's the deal.
I can keep this small for the time being just to get the imaging done and open a personal savings account. This would cut expenses down and have less in monthly fees.

I could go big right away and then be set if I have to fundraise for the surgery too.
This one involves going to a registries office, registering a "business" which would either be a Charity, a Fundraising or hmm.. the word escapes me at the moment...
After this, I need to meet with the Business link to see what needs to be done to issue tax receipts, see what paper work needs to be drawn up to not have to pay taxes and then give all of this info to the bank. From there I send the info on to those who want to help...

So much to do!
I have not slept in 4 nights now. I think partially because there is just so much to do in a small amount of time.

I have decided to help me not stress out that I will open a savings account. I meet Matt at the bank tomorrow to do this. For now it will be under my name. I will send you the info as soon as I get it.

Once things settle a bit in my little busy world I will be finding out all of the information and get the business account. In the mean time I will keep track of every donation and hopefully I can have tax receipts issued...wouldn't that be great!

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